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1969 Evensong Royalty 1-1
"June 1969 - Queen Jean Harmon (with orchid), Queens left: [from Jean's left, left to right:] Mary Lynn Berryman, Catherine Bennett Brogoitti, Carolyn Louise Shields. Queens right: [from Jean's right, right to left:] Annette Louise Stubbs, Catherine…
Tags: Corsages, Eastern Oregon College, EOC, Evensong, Inlow Hall, Railings
1955-56 Evensong Royalty 1
Queen Virginia Cook stands in the middle of six other young women. They are all wearing waisted, less formal dresses. The Queen has a corsage on her left shoulder. The wall directly behind the ladies is entirely covered in drapery.
1952 Evensong Royalty
"1952 - Evensong Coronation Group" Wearing a corsage on her left shoulder, Evensong Queen, Merlene Baldwin stands with the six other young women who make up her court. They are all wearing less formal, waisted dresses or blouses and skirts.
1962 Evensong Royalty
"Evensong Court -- Barbara Paris, Nancy Choate, Sharon Noyes, Queen Gail Fisher, Pat Blackburne, Sue Switzer, Lorna Tonack." [This photo appears in the 1962 Mountaineer yearbook, pg. 130.]
1987 Athletic Hall of Fame 01
"10/1987 - Hall of Fame, Peggy Anderson" Peggy Anderson gives a speech at the first Athletic Hall of Fame induction ceremony. Lee Insko is standing behind her.
Tags: Corsages, EOSC Hall of Fame, Speeches
1964 Evensong Queen 1-1
"1964 - Evensong Queen of Knowledge, Sharon Myers" Wearing a knee-length dress, white gloves, and pumps, Sharon stands next to one of the stone banisters near the side of Inlow Hall. [This photo appears in the 1964 Mountaineer yearbook, pg. 80.]
1964 Evensong Queen 1-2
"1964 - Evensong Queen, Sharon Myers" She is standing next to one of the stone banisters outside Inlow Hall. She is resting her right hand on the top of it. She is wearing a knee-length dress, white gloves, and pumps. She has a corsage on her left…
Tags: Corsages, Eastern Oregon College, EOC, Evensong, Railings
1965 Evensong Royalty
"1965 - Evensong Court, Queen Elaine Beiswenger" Queen Elaine is wearing a corsage on her left shoulder, and she is not wearing white gloves. Her and her court are are standing in front of one of the stone banisters at the top of the Grand Staircase.…