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40's Training Command Captain
"Rolf Bye in charge of Army at EOCE during WWII" This is an outdoor portrait of Army Captain Rolf Bye.
40's Training Command Award
"1940-49 - President Roben J. Maaske" On the right, EOCE President Roben J. Maaske receives an Army Air Forces Training Command Certficate of Service Award for EOCE from an Army Captain on the left.
1943 Training Command Students 1
"(4-15-43) East ORE. State Normal School - Hall of Admin building" A group of young men all dressed alike in military type uniforms walk down one of the hallways of Inlow Hall together. They are talking and carrying books.
1943 Training Command Residence 1
"(4-15-43) East ORE. State School" One of the dormitory rooms in Hunt Hall where Army aviation students attached to the Eastern Training Command live during their training.
40's Training Command Calisthenics 2
In an exercise meant to build strength and teamwork, young men ride each others shoulders. They are all standing in a giant circle with a leading team in the middle.
1943 Training Command Archery 2
"(4-15-43) Ea. Ore. State Normal School" Young men attached to the training command at EOCE and wearing military uniforms, instruct young women in archery. They are all standing around a target covered in arrows.
1943 Training Command Residence 3
"(4-15-43) Ea. Ore. State Normal School, Room in hotel during Army occupancy." This is a picture of a room in the Sacajawea Hotel where students lived while training on campus for the Army Air Force during WWII.
40's Training Command Officers
"Center with glasses, Captain Bye" This appears to be a meeting of the EOCE Training Command officers. Going around the circle of the table from left to right, they are: Lt. Archer, Lt. Oldershaw, Captain Rolf Bye, Lt. Graham, and Lt. McGrath.
1943 Training Command Residence 2
"(4-15-43) East Ore. State School, Room in Sacajawea Hotel" Dressed in their military uniforms, a number of Eastern Training Command students hang out together in a room in the Sacajawea Hotel.
40's Training Command Students
"Physics Lab, EOC" Young men, dressed in military uniforms, work with various equipment at tables in a Physics Lab.