Browse Items (244 total)

  • Tags: Center

War Bond Sales Rally
"A war bond sales point - Portland Oregon 1941 (from a slide)"

La Grande Church, Gospel Tabernacle
"Gospel Tabernacle - Rev. Carlson, 1st Pastor - church is now [2012, called] Faith Center - near I.C. [Island City] - The original church bldg. is now a home at same location - Corner of Fir and 'U' Ave." "Revival Meetings"

First View of New Guinea
"Copy of the first view of New Guinea as the SS Gen John Pope arrived" From "Darkroom Soldier": "The Wharf of Milne Bay, November 4, 1943. Here, in August, 1942, an attack by Japanese naval forces had been repulsed by Australian infantry defending…

California, Basketball Game 6
"Basketball game - Mormon Stake recreational facilities - Oakland, Calif. - Mar. 1974 - Don Satelo: Fred's daughter Jean dated Don Satelo a few times. The basketball 'suits' of this era might be of interest"

California, Basketball Game 5
"Basketball game - Mormon Stake recreational facilities - Oakland, Calif. - Mar. 1974 - Don Satelo: Fred's daughter Jean dated Don Satelo a few times. The basketball 'suits' of this era might be of interest"

California, Basketball Game 4
"Basketball game - Mormon Stake recreational facilities - Oakland, Calif. - Mar. 1974 - Don Satelo: Fred's daughter Jean dated Don Satelo a few times. The basketball 'suits' of this era might be of interest"

California, Basketball Game 3
"Basketball game - Mormon Stake recreational facilities - Oakland, Calif. - Mar. 1974 - Don Satelo: Fred's daughter Jean dated Don Satelo a few times. The basketball 'suits' of this era might be of interest"

California, Basketball Game 2
"Basketball game - Mormon Stake recreational facilities - Oakland, Calif. - Mar. 1974 - Don Satelo: Fred's daughter Jean dated Don Satelo a few times. The basketball 'suits' of this era might be of interest"

California, Basketball Game 1
"Basketball game - Mormon Stake recreational facilities - Oakland, Calif. - Mar. 1974 - Don Satelo: Fred's daughter Jean dated Don Satelo a few times. The basketball 'suits' of this era might be of interest"

30's Football Player 24
"Farris, Center, #20" This is an informal, outdoor, portrait of Eastern football player, #20 - Farris. He is wearing his uniform, and he played the Center position.
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