"On one occasion, E Co. 186 hosted a dinner for Battalion officers - at Cantonment Area - Seated at head of table in both pictures is Chaplain Capt Blenkinsop - Standing is E Co. Commander, Capt Jess Andrews plus an E.M. attendant"
"On one occasion, E Co. 186 hosted a dinner for Battalion officers - at Cantonment Area - Seated at head of table in both pictures is Chaplain Capt Blenkinsop"
"ID shots of Capt Forrest E Tregea - 17th Photo Officer" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Captain Forrest Tregea. A member and Photo Officer in the 17th Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron since July, 1942, Capt Tregea knew how to supervise Hill's crew of…
"1966 Team Captains - [Left to right:] Gilbert [Gib] Daniels, Don Fisher, Don Graham. All of these boys are seniors." The three players are wearing their uniforms, and they are kneeling on the grass. Pierce Library, Ackerman Hall, and Mt. Emily are…