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  • Tags: Canoe

Lingayen Gulf Fishing 1
"Fishing - Lingayen Gulf - Luzon"

Liberty Ships 8
"Liberty ships in harbor at Mindoro Philippines"

La Grande, Kayak Constructing
"Terry Tuttle - Pondosa Pine Lumber Co. - building a kayak of venitian blind slats - to be covered with canvas and doped - Ken Adams looks on - 1940"

Biak Native Homes 8
"Local people's home on stilts with canoe"

Biak Native Fishing
"Local native man poses with fishing bow and arrow aboard large outrigger boat. Biak - New Guinea" From "Darkroom Soldier": "Fishing Arrow. Standing on his canoe, a Biak fisherman demonstrates how he draws his bow and sights his fishing arrow."…
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