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  • Tags: Booths

1984 Festival, Quilt Booth 1-1
"10/1984 - October Folk Festival"
A local artisan displays the quilts she has made to sell in a booth during the folk festival.

1988 Homecoming Food & Drink 01
"October 1988" An Hawaiian Style Food booth is run during the Homecoming Fair by some of the Micronesian Program students

1984 Festival, Food Booth
"10/1984 - October Folk Festival"

1978 Festival, Mechanical Bull 1-1
"October 13, 1978 - October Festival"
People watch while a young man attempts to ride a mechanical bull. At this point he has been flipped backwards and both of his boot-clad feet are sticking up straight in the air in a mock V. In the background…

1978 Festival, Mechanical Bull 1-2
"October 13, 1978 - October Festival"
A young man holds on tightly as a mechanical bull tilts back precariously.

1978 Festival, Couple
"October 13, 1978 - October Festival"

1978 Festival, Wood Toys 1-1
"October 13, 1978 - October Festival"
Two young children play with wooden toys at one of the booths set up for the October Folk Festival.

1983 Octoberfest, Toys 01
"10/1983 - Octoberfest / Homecoming" Leonard Hermens kneels down to point out a toy to the little girls in front of him.

1983 Octoberfest, Booths 01
"10/1983 - Octoberfest / Homecoming" Under the trees, booths are set up for the October Festival.

1982 October Folk Festival, Booths 01
"10/1982 - October Folk Festival" Students lie on the grass watching people and activities going on at the booths in the background.
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