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  • Tags: Awards

1988 Awards Assembly 07
"June 1988 - Awards Assembly"

From left to right: Dave Gilbert (at podium, in profile), Jim Hottois (standing, in profile), Jack Schut (seated, in profile).

1988 Awards Assembly 06
"June 1988 - Awards Assembly"

Jack Schut (in profile).

1988 Awards Assembly 05
"June 1988 - Awards Assembly"

Tom Madden (middle, in profile), Mike Daugherty (right, background).

1988 Awards Assembly 04
"June 1988 - Awards Assembly"

1988 Awards Assembly 03
"June 1988 - Awards Assembly"

Jim Lundy (left). From right to left: Nancy Youlden (1st, extreme edge), Sharon Campbell (2nd).

1988 Awards Assembly 02
"June 1988 - Awards Assembly"

Jim Lundy (left, in profile).

1988 Awards Assembly 01
"June 1988 - Awards Assembly"

1983 Awards Ceremony
"1983 - Awards Ceremony" - sixty-eight images xx316 .003 - John Cobb (at podium, left), Yvonne Tagge (background, left edge). .004 - Dick Hiatt (at podium, left), Yvonne Tagge (background, left side). .005 - Yvonne Tagge (background, left side). .007…

1982 Spring Festival, Raft Race Awards 06
"May 1982 - Raft Race Trophy Presentation, Spring Festival - 'Race Official' Tim Callahan (left), President Briggs (center), Recipient (right)"

1982 Spring Festival, Raft Race Awards 05
"May 1982 - Raft Race Trophy Presentation, Spring Festival - 'Race Official' Tim Callahan (left), President Briggs (center), Recipient (right)"
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