"5/18/1981" Twenty-four images taken in an Ackerman Elementary School classroom where an EOSC student from the Micronesian Program is giving a lesson on the Pacific Islands. She has brought a number of artifacts from her home to show to the children.
"Youth Energy Awareness Day" Seven images of P.G.E. employee, Kirby Brumfield teaching a class on windmills / wind-powered generators for Energy Awareness Day.
"November 1980" A series of images from an employees' meeting covering the book / manual that is titled: "1978 Trust Territory for Pacific Islanders." From left to right: Ralph Lewis (1st), [appears to be:] Barb Sevier (3rd), [appears to be:] Burt…
"January 1979"
A line has been drawn on this map across the northwest corner of the United States to show where the upcoming Solar Eclipse will be visible from: Washington, parts of Idaho and Montana, and only a tiny portion of Oregon.